Azure App Services, the way to run your Golang app

Michał Świerczewski
3 min readJun 25, 2021


At the time of writing this article Golang is not natively supported in the Azure App Services. My solution described below base on docker images. In the first step I am going to show you how I managed deployment of my app base on the docker image. In the second one, how I automated docker image creation after each commit which is going to redeploy my app in the Azure App Services. Related GitHub repository you can find here.

App Deployment

Steps below require from you to push initial docker image version to your docker repository. This image is needed to deploy app using az cli. What I am going to do here is to create App Service Plan then deploy my app.

az loginRGNAME=go-cicd-rg
# >> Create App Service planaz appservice plan create \
--name $ASPNAME \
--resource-group $RGNAME \
--sku F1 \
az appservice plan list -g $RGNAME --output table
# >> Deploy Golang App as a App Service
az webapp create --resource-group $RGNAME --plan $ASPNAME --name demogoapp --deployment-container-image-name $APPIMAGEaz webapp list \
-g $RGNAME \
--query "[].{hostName: defaultHostName, state: state}" \
--output table
HostName State
--------------------------- ------- Running
az webapp log show --name demogoapp -g $RGNAMEcurl

Automated workflow

To build an automated workflow for my app deployment I am going to use custom containers and GitHub Actions.

Once App Service is deployed (I did it in the previous step) you have to generate deployment credentials (publish profile in this case). Detailed flow is described here.

Configure GitHub repo’s secrets (include docker registry credentials).

Configure workflow file in the /.github/workflows/ directory. For my repo you can find workflow file here.

Push commit and check workflows in GitHub Actions. Examples here.

And that’s it. Simple, isn’t it? Someone may say that it’s not a perfect solution but this is just a proof of concept how you can manage Golang apps if you want to use App Services.



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